It all started with the question of whether there are planets that may be suitable for human life or even more ideal than the Earth we live on.

It was recently announced that 24 planets have been discovered that may be suitable for human life after examining their conditions and it seems that some are even better than Earth.

The results were obtained from Washington State University.

Nowadays, scientists know about the existence of 4,000 planets. Of these, 24 may be better for humans than Earth. Some of them are older, others slightly warmer, wetter and larger than Earth.

In order for a planet to be considered suitable for life, it must have a temperature that allows water to exist in liquid form.

Also the age of the planet should be between 5 billion years and 8 billion. This is because, if the planet is aging, the heat decreases and it loses its protective geomagnetic field. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Also its size should be 1.1 to 1.5 times larger than that of the Earth to have more surface. Also, larger planets retain more heat, and due to the increased gravity associated with size, they ‘hold’ their atmosphere more easily.

Finally, planets with temperatures 5 degrees Celsius higher are ideal because they are more conducive to life. This is also seen in the conditions on Earth, where the temperature is slightly higher, life is more diverse.
