Technology is changing rapidly as are human needs. For this reason, new types of products are constantly created or the designs and specifications of the existing ones are upgraded.

It seems that the new devices will soon fill the gap that exists between mobile phones and PCs (laptops). In other words, it will be like mobile phones but with a bigger screen and more capabilities.

New devices like cell phones already have huge potential. Laptops have ‘survived’ to this day because of the larger screen and keyboard that is quite functional.

But things are changing and new devices will be able to access 5G for internet connection, something that will not happen with PCs. Even the screens will be significantly improved as well as their speed. The same will happen for their batteries which will last longer but also the device itself will have more storage space. The other advantage of these devices is that they are much lighter and have a smaller thickness. Even having a touch screen is something much easier to use. We will not fail to mention that video gaming in them is quite improved.

The new designs also include ways in which the device screen can be detached from the keyboard or can be rotated 360 degrees on the keyboard.

Another very useful for consumers are the applications that can be used on these devices, the apps known to all of us.

For these reasons laptop sales have dropped dramatically over the last decade.


Why PCs Are Turning Into Giant Phones - Sportyheroes