Social stress is a phenomenon due to internment. And as we know with the Covid-19 pandemic the problem worsened due to quarantine.

So many of us find it difficult to reconnect with other people in our lives.

Social anxiety is the anxiety we have that we are not good enough for our social environment. In other words, we are afraid that we are not smart enough or capable or good-looking. And so we worry that we will be marginalized or be ridiculed by others. We believe that a negative image will be created for us and the rest of us will reject it.

This makes us avoid the world or feel uncomfortable when we are with others and that is why we are stressed.

This phenomenon can have bad symptoms on our health such as tachycardia, nausea, sweating or even panic attacks.

It still creates obstacles in our daily lives and does not allow us to do what we should. Even worse, we may resort to alcohol and drugs.

To deal with it we must recognize it so that we can be free. This way we will be able to manage it better, relax and be able to do what we need to, without fear and stress.
