Life is always changing and so today research is being done on the future of professions.
The Covid-19 pandemic has added another dimension to the way many people work, as many people ‘left’ the office forever to work from home.
But some professions will show a surge in demand over the next ten years.
First will be the professions related to renewable energy sources since the prices of such devices has been drastically reduced and many countries are investing in methods that emit little or no carbon dioxide.
Other professions that will increase are those related to the internet and electronic systems. As more and more people are working from home, they will need professionals who can support this need.
And finally, health professionals will be needed even more as the world’s population grows older and so more people will need specialist care.
Specific professions that will increase in the next 10 years.

  1. Wind turbine technicians
  2. Nurses
  3. Photovoltaic technicians
  4. Statisticians
  5. Physiotherapists
  6. Electronic security system technicians
  7. Home health assistants
  8. Health managers
  9. Electronic data technicians
  10. Doctors’ assistants
