Ernesto Guevara was an Argentine revolutionary and a leading figure in the Cuban Revolution as well as in the guerrilla war.

He was born in 1928 and came from a middle-class family of leftist beliefs.

From a young age he had dynamic and radical views for the defense of the poor and the weak.

As a teenager he was a very good athlete although he suffered from asthma attacks.

He studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires and spent the summers traveling to other Latin American countries. It was then that he believed in the unity of the countries of the region so that they could revolt and fight the poverty of the people.

In 1954 when he graduated he went to Guatemala where he experienced the overthrow of the government with the help of the CIA.

Then he went to Mexico to meet the Castro brothers where they were organizing a revolution for Cuba. So in 1956 he went to Cuba with 82 other fighters to fight the regime. But they were quickly spotted by the army and most were killed. Injured Che escaped and continued to organize with the Castro brothers. Finally in 1959 they managed to overthrow the regime of the country. He then became a leading figure in the new government.

After 1965 he retired completely due to his disagreement with Castro.

A year later he went to poor Bolivia to continue his revolution and his attempt to unite all the countries of Latin America. The country was then ruled by an American-led junta. There he organized a team of 50 people to achieve his goals. In 1967 they gave their first battle. The dictator then asked for his head. With the help of the CIA, they managed to arrest him. He was executed the next day at the age of 39.

Today his body is buried in Cuba where the decisive battle for the revolution took place.
