Their implementation will begin with the agreement between SpiritWorld and Flying Ships. Commercial drones will be manufactured in Greek shipyards. In the future, there will also be autonomous taxis.

Initially they will be used by the Greek army and fire brigade for firefighting, inspections and rescues.

They will be unmanned electric vehicles with zero emissions and will be powered by artificial intelligence.

Their big advantages are that the cost will be ¼ of an air transport, it will be 10 times faster than a ship and it will have access to difficult places.

They will be 12 meters long and will be able to carry a load of up to 1200 kg at a range of 300 nautical miles (550 km).

The goal is to be ready within 10 years. Also in the plan is to design larger vehicles of this type, 16 meters, 32 meters and even 80 meters.
