Swimming is an excellent form of exercise with many benefits for the body.

These are,
• Longevity: swimmers have a 28% lower risk of premature death and 41% lower chance of heart disease and stroke.
• Maintaining our weight: It is a workout for the whole body and burns a lot of calories.
• Improves heart health: Improves cardiovascular fitness which reduces hypertension and blood pressure.
• Lung health: The muscles associated with breathing are activated when we swim so it helps with lung diseases such as asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease.
• Strengthens the brain: Improves cognitive ability. Studies have shown that swimmers are faster in cognitive tests.
• Better sleep: Swimmers have more time in deep sleep resulting in better rest.
• Helps with arthritis and the chronic pain it causes.

[Source: http://www.iatronet.gr]