Wilhelm Tell is considered a folk hero for Switzerland.

His existence is uncertain, with some believing he really lived and others claiming he is a legend.

He is said to have lived from the end of the 13th century to the 14th.

He was a person who encouraged his fellow citizens to rebel against the tyrannical rule of his country.

He was known for what a good crossbowman he was.

The legend began when he visited the town of Altdorf. There was an imperial hat placed on a mast. Those passing by had to salute it. He didn’t, and so began his problems with the authority.

Generally, anyone who failed to do so risked having their property confiscated or being sentenced to death.

The local baron knowing Tell decided to force him to shoot an apple placed on his son’s head with his crossbow. He managed to achieve his goal and with a second arrow he placed in his jacket he tried to kill the baron. He was arrested and would be taken to prison by boat. A storm broke out and he jumped into the sea and escaped.

A few days later he hid behind a tree and as the baron passed by he struck him with his bow.

[Source: ro.wikipedia.org]