Calamity Jane was a woman who lived in the Wild West but she was not like the others. She could ride, shoot and hunt. She was still a farmer and an army scout. Her other duties are those of mother and wife.

She was born in 1852 and was the eldest of six children in the family. At 15 she lost both her parents and was forced to do various jobs to live with her siblings. In order to be well paid she had to do hard work and even be a prostitute. Other occupations she practiced were that of cook, waitress, nurse, laundress, carriage driver and dancer.

She became a nurse during the smallpox season because she wanted to help her fellow human beings, when others avoided it in order not to get sick. She possessed kindness and heroism and helped financially those in need.

She was going to brothels and saloons with notorious outlaws, played poker with men, smoked and drank alcohol. She still dressed like a man.

Her first daughter was of an unknown father. Her second was from her marriage.

Over time, she also became active in business after he managed to buy an inn.

She died in 1903 of pneumonia.
